
インドネシアの古い言葉に、“何か知らなければ、愛せない”というものがあります。「After School 放課後」写真展では、日本に住むインドネシア人の典型的な生活を日本の人々に紹介し、両国のより調和のとれた関係が育まれることを願っています。
There is an old Indonesian saying, “If you don’t know it, you can’t love it“. The “After School (放課後)” photo exhibition hopes to introduce the Japanese people to the typical life of Indonesians living in Japan and foster a more harmonious relationship between the two countries.
作家在廊予定 The artist will be at the gallery on the following dates.
8/22, 24, 26, 29, 31, 9/2, 5, 7, 9

ZINE「After School 放課後」
A photo essay by Abu Hanifa, about the everyday life of an Indonesian who chose to work in Japan after studying at a university in Osaka and his wife.
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Instagram: abi.hanif
Abu Hanifah (Abi)
Instagram: abi.hanif
Abi is an Indonesian film photography enthusiast. For him, it all started in early 2015 when he got his hands on a film camera. He arrived in Osaka in 2018 as a graduate student. Now, in 2023, as he enters his final year of studies, he wants to leave a message. This was made possible with the help of his friends Pijar Religia and Koto Tsunamoto to create a compelling story.